Living with Corgi Blog


Bagel Lau天生古惑 但求目的 不擇手段
暱稱: Bagel Lau 柳比高
出生: 6/1/2003
生肖: 肖羊
星座: 雙子座
現居: 香港生,已移民去北京
體重: 25磅
性格: 古惑、好動、欺善怕惡、善解人意
喜好: Greenies、街街、咬繩繩
【Bagel Lau相簿】
3 months' old
If you have guts, come down!
Do we look like brothers?
Peeping is so much fun!
I will never come out!
28 July - Just arrived Beijing
Corridor at our Beijing apartment
Kitchen - my territory
第1 至第9 張,共9張

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